Dear School Community,

We are excited to announce a change in leadership within our Transportation Department. Ms. Arlene Mann, who has served our district as the Dispatcher for over 7 years and as a driver for the department since 1993, has been promoted to Supervisor of Transportation. 

As the school community is aware, there were a multitude of issues with transportation at the beginning of this school year. Some of the issues we faced were a result of factors out of our control, namely a labor shortage that continues to have a profound effect on districts throughout the state. However, there were changes made to our existing routes, protocols, and procedures that were not communicated or executed properly, causing further disruption to our previously successful transportation model. Arlene, along with our fantastic drivers, has been working tirelessly to make all of the necessary improvements to get our transportation services back to the level of quality that our community expects and deserves.

An issue that even Ms. Mann cannot immediately fix, is the delay we experience when transporting students to and from extracurricular activities. Since we have so few drivers, we have had to double up teams to maximize efficiency. For example, drivers are taking students to contests, returning for their afternoon runs, and then going back out to pick up athletes. As we hire more drivers, this problem will be alleviated. We are hopeful that through advertising, creative incentives, and other strategies we find qualified candidates quickly.

We appreciate your support through this transition, and ask you once again to join us as we welcome Ms. Mann into her new role!



Dr. Marc Bertrando, Superintendent


Congratulations to Our GVHS Eagle Scouts


Rescheduled - New Realities of Parenting